Notice of Rights

Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights:

This document is for the information and strictest implementation, otherwise MEDIC FIRST AID International, Incorporation and Health and Safety Institute can take action against misuse of their trademarks and copyright materials.

All trademarks, service marks, designs, music clips, videos, documentation and other content included on the Site and offered through the training center services are the property of HSI and its content providers and is protected under international, federal and state trademark, copyright, patent and other intellectual property laws.

Notice of Rights:

No part of the mentioned below course books by MEDIC FIRST AID® my be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner.

1:- Basic CPR and First Aid for Adults;

2:- BasicPlus CPR, AED and First Aid for Adults;

3:- CarePlus CPR & AED for Adults, Children and Infants;

4:- Emergency Care First Aid;

5:- Oxygen First Aid for Emergencies;

6:- Bloodborne Pathogens in the Workplace;

7:- Pediatric CPR and First Aid for Children, Infants, and Adults; &

8:- PediatricPlus CPR, AED, and First Aid for Children, Infants, and Adults.

All inquiries regarding any extracts or re-use of any material from MEDIC FIRST AID Books should be addressed to Health and Safety Institute and MEDIC FIRST AID International, Inc.


MEDIC FIRST AID and MEDIC FIRST AID logo are registered trademarks of MEDIC FIRST AID International, Inc.

Chain of Survival image courtesy of the National Center for Early Defibrillation.

Purpose of our Course Books:

Our MEDIC FIRST AID Books are solely intended to facilitate instructions in a our taught courses by approved training centers and authorized instructors, only.

First Aid to Save a Life Pakistan is approved training center and our instructors are authorized to teach specific training programs for those they have certifications. Our training center will make sure our individual students and our clients (companies and/or organizations) follow these copyright, trademarks and intellectual property rights by signing a memorandum of understanding.