HSI Adult First Aid CPR AED Courses

The goal of the HSI Adult First Aid | CPR AED training program is for participants to gain or improve knowledge and skill proficiency in adult first aid and/or CPR AED for adult, child, and infant.

This program includes flexible instructional tools for developing proficiency via demonstration and prompted practice, including scenario-based problem-solving exercises with feedback.

HSI First Aid | CPR AED reflects the latest resuscitation science and treatment recommendations published by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR), and it conforms with the latest guidelines, 2020 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC and the annual Guidelines Update.

Class Certification Types

HSI First Aid | CPR AED allows you the flexibility to choose from the wide range of courses and provide certification in any of the following nine options listed below:

Combo Courses includes Adult First and CPR/AED:

  1. Adult First Aid | Adult CPR AED
  2. Adult First Aid | Adult/Child CPR AED
  3. Adult First Aid | Adult/Infant CPR AED
  4. Adult First Aid | Adult/Child/Infant CPR AED

Adult First Aid only:

  1. Adult First Aid

CPR/AED Courses:

  1. Adult CPR AED
  2. Adult/Child CPR AED
  3. Adult/Infant CPR AED
  4. Adult/Child/Infant CPR AED

Certification Package Details

Course Book is available in soft form.

Soft copy of original certificate is delivered  by awarding body to the registered email address by the course participant.

Certification Period

2 Years

Course Length

2 – 8 Hours depending on the module

Class Delivery Types

icon_traditional classroomTraditional Classroom

icon_blended learningBlended Learning with In-Person, Instructor-Led Skills Session

icon_RSVRemote Skills Verification (RSV)

Class Audience

The intended audience is individuals who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers who desire, or are occupationally required, to be trained and certifi­ed in adult first aid and/or CPR AED for the adult, child, or infant.


Program Details:

HSI Adult First Aid | CPR AED

Course Brochure

Course Book


Individual Course Booking:

For individual course booking visit upcoming courses for announced schedule and follow the procedure. For any help see below info to contact us.

Corporate/Group Training Solutions:

If you have delegates with similar training needs, FATSAL can also offer cost-effective in-house and/or onsite bespoke training solutions. For Corporate Training Solutions and to share your training requirements do contact us:

faisal@firstaidtosavealife.com         /         0092 345 5656307